The healthy balance for your horse!

Your horse is more than just a (sports) partner - it is your best friend, and you only want the best for its well-being. Horses are extremely sensitive and delicate animals that require special care. This is exactly where our horse products come in: They promote a balanced microbiome on your horse's skin and activate its natural defenses. This allows injuries to regenerate better and faster - for an all-round healthy and happy horse.


Wounds, mud fever, eczema

EnviWell Allrounder , Every horse owner knows the shock when the horse has a wound.
Whether a small scratch, mud fever or eczema – every
Injury can lead to serious inflammation. That's exactly why we have developed the "all-rounder", your reliable "emergency coat spray". Thanks to its unique combination of pre- and probiotics, it effectively helps to quickly get mud fever , wounds and eczema under control and to protect and care for your horse's skin.

To the product

Strong hoof


EnviWell Strong Hoof, Thrush is stubborn,
and as a horse owner, you may have tried everything. This common bacterial infection of the frog particularly affects horses with deep frog grooves and narrow pads - even in clean environments. Wet, muddy ground or manure lying around provide the ideal breeding ground for harmful bacteria that can attack sensitive structures in the hoof and cause lameness.

Our spray “Strong Hoof” supports the regeneration of your horse in case of thrush
and has a targeted probiotic effect. We also recommend it for preventive use,
so that thrush doesn't stand a chance!

To the product

Wash me


EnviWell Wash me , A shiny horse not only looks fantastic, but is also a sign of health. With our shampoo “Wash me” we support the skin’s natural microbiome by protecting it
and strengthen. Our special formula is ideal for external use on eczema and other skin irritations. It improves the resistance of the coat structure and tail and provides a silky shine.

And that's what we all want, right?

To the product

Stable fine

Stable hygiene

EnviWell Stallfein ,
Imagine you enter the stable and can see the
You can literally smell the cleanliness - free from fungal spores, bacteria and unpleasant smells like ammonia. The same fresh, clean air also prevails in your tack room. Sounds like a dream? With our "Stallfein" it becomes reality!
Our innovative solution has been proven to reduce air pollution in the stable and tack room.
In a test stable, fungal spores were even reduced by around 89%.

For further information please contact us!
