Probiotic hygiene products for humans and animals.

Our goal: Your health and the health
your animals.

Our natural products combine the power of probiotic bacteria with prebiotic sugars to promote an optimal balance. With EnviWell products, you protect yourself and your animals as best as possible from harmful environmental influences and at the same time support the prevention and treatment of numerous diseases.

Probiotics – for better well-being and health of humans and animals

Our products made from natural ingredients are a unique combination of good bacteria (probiotics) and good sugars (prebiotics). This technology ensures a healthy and stable microbiome on all applied surfaces and ensures
additional for a higher diversity of positive microorganisms.

  • Icon: Tierwohl

    Animal welfare

    Animal testing and doping free

  • Icon: Mikrobiom


    Ensures a good microbiome

  • Icon: Biologisch


    Natural and skin-friendly

  • Ohne Duft

    Reduziert Gerüche

Natural cleansing by bacteria is old hat

For billions of years, bacteria have ensured a clean and healthy planet and live in coexistence with all living things. What's more, without bacteria, life on our earth would not be possible. Microbiomes in the environment keep our water clean, for example. Marine biologists have discovered that even crude oil that has reached the sea floor is metabolized by bacteria. Our drinking water that has been treated in sewage treatment plants is only really clean if it has been purified by certain strains of bacteria.

Alexander Durban

Natural hygiene through the power of microbiomes

Alexander Durban, founder of EnviWell

With EnviWell, I bring the power of probiotics back into our daily lives—sustainably, naturally, and effectively. We harness the power of microbiomes to develop natural and sustainable hygiene products. Probiotics help protect people and animals effectively without harming the environment. My goal is to leverage the potential of microbiology to introduce healthy and eco-friendly solutions into everyday life.

Questions & Answers

Why probiotic products?

Probiotic hygiene products for humans and animals.

In contrast to conventional hygiene products, EnviWell products support the development and maintenance of a positive microbiome on the skin and on surfaces. A healthy microbiome is the prerequisite for good protection against unwanted external influences and helps to prevent many diseases.



Our products made from natural ingredients are a unique combination of good bacteria (probiotics) and good sugars (prebiotics). This technology ensures a healthy, stable microbiome on all surfaces used and also ensures a higher diversity of positive microorganisms.

What is a microbiome?

The microbiome refers to the community and coexistence of microorganisms.

These communities very often perform important tasks. Almost half of a person's body weight is made up of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi and viruses. All of these microorganisms help us stay healthy, keep our metabolism functioning and even influence our performance. It has been discovered that a certain bacterium metabolizes lactate and can therefore give us a performance boost in sports (source: Spektrum der Gesundheit, July 2021).

How does a good microbiome protect us?

A healthy microbiome will always strive for a healthy balance. This means avoiding one species gaining the upper hand wherever possible.

The microbiome on the skin protects us from the proliferation of bacteria that could harm us. In the 1970s, there were still soaps with a very high pH value that seriously damaged the microbiome on the skin. Excessive hygiene caused extreme skin damage with serious consequences. When research discovered the cause, there were only soaps with a medium pH value.

Microbiomes also form on surfaces in the home, office, etc., which in the best case prevent the excessive spread of harmful microorganisms.

Why are the enviwell products different/and why should I use them?

- Because we protect and build the natural microbiome

- Long-lasting protection

- Has a preventive effect

- We support the positive bacteria on the skin

- We activate the natural defenses

- We act sustainably

-Vegan and Halal and Kosher

- Better is the enemy of good

-No chemicals

- Free from animal testing

- Without additional fragrances